SEALE, STOVER & BISBEY, an AV-RATED LAW FIRM of three attorneys, with two Board Certified specialists, located on U. S. Highway 96 North, 950 N. Wheeler Street, Jasper, has been serving the Deep East Texas area with quality legal services for over fifty years.
Litigation and general law practice, both civil and criminal defense, including commercial/business, personal injury, condemnation, family and elder law, probate, maritime, insurance and products liability cases, local counsel services, mediation/arbitration, etc. Extensive litigation experience, providing quality representation in litigation in all courts, State and Federal, in Texas and Louisiana.

Blair Bisbey is licensed in Texas and Louisiana, is Board Certified in Civil Trial Law and Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, and was named in Texas Super Lawyers, a Thomson-Reuters Service, 2006-2021.
Scott Stover is Board Certified in Family Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Sid S. Stover is Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law; his certification is currently inactive; he continues to practice full time and is a licensed member of the State Bar of Texas. Founding partner John Seale passed away on April 1, 2020.
The law firm operates a Beechcraft Model A-36 Bonanza aircraft to provide our clients representation across the states of Texas and Louisiana.
Practice Areas
- Appellate Law
- Bankruptcy
- Commercial/Business Law
- Consumer Law
- Criminal Law
- Discrimination
- Employment Law
- Family Law
- Guardianships
- Insurance Claims
- Local Counsel Services
- Maritime and Admiralty Law
- Mediation/Arbitration
- Personal Injury
- Real Estate
- Social Security Disability
- Wills and Estates/Probate Law
- Workplace Injuries
Appellate Law
When you prevail in court, your opponent may decide to appeal the adverse judgment to the appellate courts. If an unfavorable judgment is rendered against you in court, you have the right to appeal the adverse decision to the appellate courts. In either situation, you need skilled appellate counsel who can properly prepare and present the legal arguments for appellate review. Some firms refer appeals out to other lawyers; Seale, Stover & Bisbey handle all of their clients’ appellate work themselves, and have successfully represented clients in a large number of appeals to all appellate court levels.
Seale, Stover & Bisbey do not represent parties filing for bankruptcy protection. However, we do have extensive experience and are licensed to represent creditors who are owed money from bankrupt firms and individuals. We will represent you to ensure that your debt is handled fairly in the bankruptcy courts.
Commercial/Business Law
This area of practice includes: general legal advice and representation for owners and operators of businesses of all types and sizes; preparation of contracts; interpretation of contracts; enforcement of contracts; litigation concerning commercial transactions which have gone bad; the formation of corporations, partnerships, limited partnerships, LLCs, nonprofits, 501c3 qualified corporations; and the preparation of promissory notes and security agreements.
Consumer Law
If you have purchased a product or paid for a service and did not get your money’s worth, you may have legal rights for breach of contract, breach of warranty, violations of the deceptive trade practices laws, or other consumer protection laws.
Criminal Law
Seale, Stover & Bisbey offer a full range of legal services and representation for persons accused of misdemeanor and felony offenses in both the state and federal systems, including bonding, pretrial release, trials and appellate work.
If your employer has discriminated against you because of your race, age, sex, disability or religion, you may have remedies under state and federal law. Seale, Stover & Bisbey have successfully represented clients in discrimination claims in both state and federal courts.
Employment Law
If you have been wrongfully fired from your job due to discrimination on the basis of race, age, sex, disability or religion, you may have legal rights against your employer. Also, if you have or need a contract of employment, either as a salaried employee or independent contractor, Seale, Stover & Bisbey can provide you with quality legal representation.
Family Law
This area of law includes: divorce, child custody, support and custody modification, adoption, termination, protective orders and name changes. The lawyers at Seale, Stover and Bisbey represent parties with these types of cases on a daily basis. SCOTT W. STOVER is Board Certified in Family Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
Temporary and permanent guardianships of the estate and/or person for minors and incapacitated individuals, including the preparation and filing of inventories and annual reports.
Insurance Claims
We represent consumers in all types of insurance matters including automobile, life, health, accident and homeowners insurance claims and related matters. If you have been treated unfairly by an insurance company, we can help.
Local Counsel Services
Seale, Stover & Bisbey are available as local counsel in the counties of Jasper, Newton, Tyler, Sabine, San Augustine and surrounding areas. We have served as local counsel for a wide variety of clients, including individuals, businesses and law firms, and are frequently chosen as litigation and local counsel due to our extensive trial experience and knowledge of the local courts and judiciary. Our role as local counsel varies depending on the needs of the client and general counsel, and encompasses everything from assistance to lead counsel to actual litigation management through trial and appeal. References available upon request.
Maritime and Admiralty Law
We are experienced in handling offshore injuries, Jones Act claims, Longshore and Harborworkers’ Compensation Act claims and practice in all state and federal courts in Texas and Louisiana.
Our attorneys have served as court-appointed and privately retained mediators and arbitrators in business, personal injury and family law matters. We are also skilled and experienced at representing parties involved in the mediation and arbitration of disputes.
Personal Injury
Seale, Stover & Bisbey have over 100 years of combined trial experience representing injured persons in East Texas and Louisiana. Sid Stover and Blair Bisbey are Board Certified in the field of Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization (Mr. Stover’s specialization is inactive). We have successfully represented people who have been harmed by careless, reckless or drunk drivers, faulty products, unsafe workplaces and practices and medical negligence. We have the knowledge, experience and financial resources, and we fight to protect our clients’ rights. Personal injury cases are handled on a contingent fee basis with no payment of fees or expenses due unless we are successful in representing you.
Real Estate
We represent buyers, sellers and lenders in real estate transactions, including sales, leases, mortgages and home equity loans. Preparation of deeds, promissory notes, deeds of trust, and contracts for deed. We also represent landowners in title and boundary disputes, condemnations, water problems, right of way issues and all related matters.
Social Security Disability
Social Security Disability including representation before the Office of Hearings and Appeals, Administrative Law Judge hearings and appeals. If your application for disability benefits has been denied, and you meet the requirements of the law, we can help you obtain your benefits. Social Security disability claims are handled on a contingent fee basis with no payment of fees or expenses due unless we are successful in representing you.
Wills and Estates/Probate Law
We prepare wills, living wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and medical powers of attorney, and can assist with estate planning matters. When a loved one has died, we are experienced in probating wills, administering estates, and representing executors and personal representatives.
Workplace Injuries
If your employer carries worker’s compensation insurance, State law now requires that you pursue your claim for an on-the-job injury through the Division of Worker’s Compensation of the Texas Department of Insurance. The phone numbers of the local field offices are 409-899-5589 for Beaumont and 936-639-6425 for Lufkin. If your job-related injury was caused by the negligence or fault of a third party (someone other than your employer or a co-employee) or if you have filed your claim with the Division of Workers’ Compensation and still are not receiving medical care and compensation benefits, or if you have been fired in retaliation for filing a claim, we may be able to help you. If your employer does not carry worker’s compensation insurance, you need legal representation to be compensated for your injury.